Who We Are
Our Club
The Southern Turners is a club focusing on the art of woodturning. We meet on the first Saturday of the month from 10:00am to 4:00pm in technical studies building of the Aberfoyle Park High School. We have members from beginner to advanced level and can offer instruction to people new to woodturning.
The club owns a number of lathes and chisel sets for members and prospective members to use. We encourage anyone interested to come along and try.
Our meetings are very social and usually involve a practical demonstration followed by a hands on practical session. With a ‘show and tell’ session at the end to view people’s work and discuss methods and outcomes.
Many of our members are involved in many other elements of woodworking so there is always something new to discuss and learn.
Membership fees per year:
- Single $65 plus $10 admin fee for first year only
- Family $115 per couple plus $20 admin fee for first year only
- Introductory $10 (for 3 months)

- Social interaction with people who share a common interest in wood and wood turning.
- Seek advice and discuss problems and solutions with experienced turners
- Obtain discounts on machinery and consumables from suppliers such as Carbatec (15%)
- Use of the Club’s equipment at monthly meetings
- Access to low cost gifted timber – often not commercially available
- Opportunities to sell wares at markets and displays
- Participation in bulk purchasing events to minimise freight costs
- Opportunity to tell those jokes to a new audience that the family is sick of hearing
What does it cost to come and try?
Initial cost is $10:00 for 3 meetings to cover insurance. After your initial 3 meetings we ask you to join as a full member.
Do you give lessons?
Yes, from time to time we run a beginner’s course over a weekend. Click on our beginners course button below to find out more
Do I need to bring any tools?
No. The club have tools that can be used by prospective members, however if you have tools, please feel free to bring them along. We can even assist with sharpening.
Is there any safety equipment that I need?
Yes, before you can turn or watch other turners at our club you will need to bring some safety glasses or suitable eye protection. Fully enclosed footware is also required.
Do you have a retail outlet?
No, but you can purchase some work from our members us at our demonstrations and exhibitions, check our events section to see where we will be.
Do you do commission work?
If you would like something specific or have seen something at one of our exhibitions, please contact us and one of our members will be happy to help.